Monday, August 8, 2022

The Startling Decline of Nutritious Food and What You Can Do about It

Where has all the nutritious food gone?

The world is facing an obesity epidemic, and it’s only getting worse. In the United States, for example, more than one-third of adults are obese.

This has been attributed too many factors: fast food, snacks in between meals, and sedentary lifestyles.

But there’s another problem that needs to be addressed: the slow death of nutritious food.

The decline of nutritious food is a result of several factors.

One is the rise in processed foods which don’t include any nutritional value but instead contain harmful ingredients like high fructose corn syrup and trans fats.

Another is that people are eating out more often than ever before and so they’re not cooking at home where they can control what goes into their meals.

Yet another factor is that people are living in urban areas where it’s difficult to grow food and it’s expensive to buy quality, fresh produce from stores.

A plate of nutrient dense food

What is the Problem with Modern Food?

Modern food is a problem because it is unhealthy and unsustainable.

The modern food industry has been a problem in many ways.

First, it is not sustainable because of the amount of resources needed to produce the food.

Second, much of the food that we eat today can be classified as unhealthy in some way.

Third, many of the foods that we eat today are processed, thus creating many health problems.

Fourthly, much of the industrialised food industry is controlled by a handful of corporations.

The modern food industry creates a problem in terms of sustainability because it takes up a lot of resources to produce it.

For example, corn is grown on farms across America that use more than one million gallons of water per acre per year and soybeans require more than three million gallons of water per year.

The size of the human population is growing rapidly, and this growth creates a concerns to sustain the centralised food production monopoly.

A study by the United Nations showed that global food production would need to increase by 70% in order to meet demand by 2030.

Unfortunately, they fail to mention permaculture as a solution in their study!

Nutritious Food

The Negative Impact of Anti-Nutrients in our Food on Health

If you poured benzine into a Ferrari, would you expect it to perform to its ultimate capabilities? Well no, and it’s the same with the human body. Garbage in, garbage out.

You are never going to reach your peak performance capabilities with a nutritional deficient diet.

The negative impact of anti-nutrients in our food on health is not a new topic. It has been the subject of various studies and research for decades.

Studies have also shown that these substances can cause numerous adverse effects on human health, including inflammation, weight gain, and even cancer.

These substances are found in all kinds of foods, from bread to vegetables to beans to nuts.

So it’s important for us to know what they are and how we can avoid them if we want to maintain a healthy diet that will keep us feeling good throughout the day.

Anti-nutrients are substances that can inhibit the absorption of nutrients in the gut.

This can lead to food allergies, inflammation and eventual disease.

Anti-nutrients range from simple compounds such as phytic acid which is found in whole grains and beans, to complex compounds such as lectins which are found in many plants, including nightshade vegetables.

As a result of the phytic acid in whole grains and beans, they have a high level of calcium oxalate crystals that can cause kidney stones.

In addition, phytic acid binds to minerals such as calcium and magnesium so they are not absorbed by the body.

Fresh seafood - Thinglish Kitchen

How to Improve Your Diet from Scratch – 10 Steps To Improving Your Diet Today!

We are going to go through the process of improving your diet from scratch.

This is for anyone who wants to improve their diet and lifestyle but doesn’t know where to start. Here are 10 easy steps to start your journey to a healthy lifestyle.

  • Find out what you need to eat
  • Get rid of all your unhealthy food
  • Plan your meals for the week ahead
  • Start to grow your own food
  • Reduce sugar intake
  • Drink more water and less alcohol or soda
  • Eat more fruit and vegetables
  • Fast every three months or start Intermittent Fasting
  • Try not to stress about the little things
  • Get plenty of rest


Are you growing your own food? Share what you are growing with us in the comments below.

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Food photos featured in this post are courtesy of Thinglish Kitchen.

The Startling Decline of Nutritious Food and What You Can Do about It

The post The Startling Decline of Nutritious Food and What You Can Do about It appeared first on Thinglish Lifestyle.

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