Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Dirt Poor? Plant Seeds for Profit

Occasionally I’m asked “Perry, what’s the best investment right now?” I always reply half-jokingly, “seeds!”. Bitcoin, Monero, ARRR, precious metals and farmland are all top-level investments (not financial advice) but none come close to seeds.

With every passing month, the value of heirloom and non-GMO seeds is increasing exponentially in my opinion.

Getting back to basics, building soil and growing your own food is vitally important now more than ever with the current state of the world we live in.

Connecting with the earth, and growing your own food is good for your soul, your health, and your pocket.

I recently watched a documentary on YouTube called ’Seeds of Profit’. I highly recommend spending an hour of your time watching it too. It inspired me to write this blog post.

The film documents the decline of nutrients in food over the last seventy years. GMO tomatoes for example are grown for size, uniform shape, extended shelf life and transportation. Unfortunately, they don’t taste of anything and have very little in the way of nutrients as their heirloom ancestors have.

Watch the film and discover how much 1kg of tomato seeds sell for? Hint; pound for pound it’s more than gold!

So, when you start going down the rabbit hole of declining food nutrition across all foods, you soon come to realise that industrial food is grown only for corporate profit and not for our health and wellbeing.

Less than half a century ago, most people had a garden or veggie patch. I fondly remember helping to dig up potatoes and shelling peas in my dad’s garden as a kid. Nowadays, not many people grow much of their own food at home although more people are slowly realising how important it is to do so.

As the industrial food industries primary concern is to get their products to market for profit and not our health, they have also reduced the range of foods we eat to a reduced globalized dirt, According to the FAOthe diversity of cultivated crops declined by 75% during the 20th Century and a third of today’s diversity could disappear by 2050″.

Seeds in Pods

Look in the fruit and vegetable section of any supermarket and what do you see? Maybe two varieties of potatoes, three of four varieties of apples and one type of banana.

Let’s take bananas as an example. Until I started growing my own, I must admit I’d never given it much thought, but I only knew of one type of banana, the Cavendish. Long, with a steady curve, yellow and let’s face it, tasteless.

There are in fact thousands of banana varieties available, Praying Hands, Red, Lady Finger and many, many more. We have around eight in our food forest. All with unique flavour profiles and aesthetic characteristics.

Nowadays we are offered only a very limited selection of fruits and vegetables on a commercial basis when in fact there are still tens if not hundreds of thousands different fruits, vegetables, nuts, mushrooms, herbs, spices, flowers and leaves freely available.

Butterfly Pea Flowers Seeds

Why is Biodiversity Important?

Biodiversity enriches the soil and our lives. Mono crops are not natural in nature and deplete the soils on an unprecedented scale. Without living soil there is no food. It won’t matter how much synthetic fertilizers (if you can even get them now as they are becoming unobtainable and unaffordable) are added to it, once it’s gone it’s gone.

By consuming a wide variety of foods, we enrich our bodies with vital vitamins and minerals. It’s no wonder people are sicker and suffer from poor health today than ever before. The corporate controlled food we consume is low in nutrition. Poor nutrition leads to the deterioration of health and dependency on the government and big pharma for health assistance.

Likewise, if you have access to fresh, nutritious food you will have optimal health and no dependency on the government or big pharma. Today, being self-sufficient is a radical act!

Biodiversity is good for our all-round health and wellbeing as well as supporting more wildlife and building soil fertility.

We have been conditioned to a life of ease and are disconnected from where our food comes from, but now is a good time to reconnect, get your hands dirty and plant a seed.

You can start by growing microgreens if you don’t have much space or offer to garden for a neighbour and share the produce.

Learn about the edible wild plants in your area and go foraging. Even common ‘weeds’ like dandelion and nettles are nutritious and delicious.

Anarchy Chocolate - The Taste of Freedom AD 970x250

If you have a green thumb start by buying heirloom seeds. You’ll buy once, be able to harvest your produce and use the new seeds for the next crop. Typically, GMO seeds will not be viable to grow from your produce. They are designed that way, so the greedy corporate seed companies keep you coming back to buy more every season.

Green seeds in a pod

That’s why I say seeds are the best investment. Not only will one seed produce tasty fresh vegetables or a fruiting tree for your lifetime and many others, but it will also improve the soil and air quality, provide shade from the sun, wind and rain, and also create a home for wildlife and much more.

Life is good in the garden. What seeds are you planting?

Dirt Poor? Plant Seeds for Profit

The post Dirt Poor? Plant Seeds for Profit appeared first on Thinglish Lifestyle.

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