Monday, January 13, 2020

Buying Thailand Real Estate [2020]

Buying Thailand Real Estate (Land and Property) 2020

[Video Transcript ] Hi, it’s Perry here from Thinglish Lifestyle and in this video we’re going to be looking at how you buy real estate in Thailand as a foreigner, but before that a word from our sponsors.

The PearlLuxury Pool Villa

Watch or listen to this video here if you don’t want to read the full blog post.

Can You Buy Land in Thailand as a Foreigner?

  • Well the simple answer to that question is no, you cannot buy land in Thailand as a foreigner. So, if you want to put some money into land, you will need a spouse and that will be going into her name. So, you buy the land, put it in her name, and then you can lease it on 30-year terms back to yourself.
  • If you’re a 50 years old man, retiring early, you’ve seen a plot of land, you buy that, if you got a Thai wife, or a friend, you can buy that land under their name. And then with a lawyers help, draw up a lease with favorable terms for yourself. And then you can stay there for 30 years on that land.
  • You can do pretty much anything you want, you can build on it, making sure it’s the right kind of land to build of course, you’ll need a Chanote plot. And you can build your house on the land and stay up for 30 years. After that 30 years, there is an option to take another 30 year lease. But again, you have to negotiate that with the landowner, which will be the people who you’ve given the money to basically to buy the land. So that is one way to do it.


Buying Land Through a Thai Limited Company Controlled by a Foreign Investor

There is a gray area where you can set up companies and things like that. You’ll need to see a solicitor to work that out, but it’s very gray area. And this does change quite a lot. And what might be good deal today, at some point, just down the road, down the line a little bit maybe not such a good idea. The other thing about buying land In Thailand is if you’re going to buy it to live on it for the rest of your life, see your days out, that’s fine. 

Another thing to think about when acquiring any real estate or property is on the back end. What if you decide to sell it in a future date? So, beware of price, location and in your lease agreement, if you decide to sell what happens? Work out all those kinds of things out and have them in your lease agreement. 

Can you buy a condo in Thailand?

Can You Buy a Condo in Thailand? 

Well, the simple answer to that is yes, foreigners can buy condominiums. The only provision or the main provision being is 51% of the actual condos, as in part of the whole condominium complex, have to be Thai owned, 49% can be owned by foreigners. 

When you buy a condo in Thailand, you don’t own the land, only the rights to the condo. And again, look at the sellable value of it, if you want to move on at some point, because many Thais don’t like old builds, they don’t like to buy secondhand real estate, and there’s a lot of condos built, especially in Bangkok, Hau Hin and Pattaya, so the secondhand value, trying to sell your condo 5 or 10 years down the line could be an issue. If you decide not to live here anymore it can be problematic. 

I’ve personally seen it in a few condos in my time. I don’t see the build quality that’s great. They put them up pretty quick but I’m sure there are some good builds around but the ones I’ve personally seen. I can only speak from my personal experience. I don’t see it’s that great. And I know of stories, neighbours who have had trouble trying to sell their condos and as people do sell, the fees you have to pay on monthly basis for communal pool and gyms and security, etc., etc. they can start rising. 

My condo in Bangkok by the river, it had a river boat, taking us across the river that got very expensive. They wouldn’t share that with any neighbours. They decided to discontinue that, made it very inconvenient actually living there. When you have a boat, it’s great when you don’t have a boat, it’s very inconvenient trying to get around. Slowed the whole process down, and people trying to sell their combos it was pretty much a nightmare. 

I met some retirees there who thought that was going to be their place to stay and they just keep rising the costs of the place. The pool is not working, they don’t have boat anymore, a dream paradise turns quickly into bit of a nightmare. So be very careful with that. 

Should I get a Lawyer when Purchasing Thailand Real Estate?

With any purchase of any property be it land or a condo, get an expert opinion, expert help from a lawyer. All legal documents in Thailand are in Thai. So, you need a Thai lawyer to negotiate for you and translate the documents, so you know what’s going on, making it clear. 

It’s very important to get a lawyer. Now, lawyers, there’s many and there can be a conflict of interest. So, always get a recommendation for a good lawyer from fellow expats and get two or three, check them all out and also search online. 

There’s a couple of big lawyer companies that do pretty much everything in Thailand. They’re based in Pattaya and Bangkok, etc., check those out. Recommendations are a very good idea, but I wouldn’t just go to one, I’d get several unless you know the person that is recommending you very well. Maybe some alterior motives there, you never know. And I never get a lawyer who’s recommended to by the seller.

I’ve had that propositioned to me several times but if you live in a small area, everyone’s kind of interconnected, so they’re not going to potentially have your best interest being looked after by lawyers. You need to go online to see some of the shady things some lawyers do. So yeah, could be a nightmare. But a lawyer will help you greatly negotiating all the legalese and translations, things like that.


Should you get an agent to find you some land or property in Thailand? 

Why not? It doesn’t actually cost you anything because the seller, they’ll take a percentage, usually two or 3%, I believe, to sell someone’s property or real estate. So, you as a buyer don’t actually pay anything to increase your eyeballs on the marketplace, as it were. Yeah, enlist several real estate agents. 

Don’t look for real estate agents anywhere like in high streets in the UK, etc. But you can go online and a few places they do have brick and mortar businesses with traditional real estate, plastering the window, etc. So yeah, check them out. It’s not going to cost you anything and it can increase the number of places where you can find property. You can even list them to find things that you’re actually looking for, be it a condo, land or house, whatever. 

The other thing about that is Facebook. If you go to Facebook marketplace, you can find properties for sale. Again, most of time the properties can be in Thai, but depends what marketplace you go to. There’s quite a few. If you’ve got someone who speaks Thai, reads Thai, massive help, you can find properties that you wouldn’t know even existed. 

As a foreigner living here in Thailand myself in a rural community, a lot of property that comes on to the market, they don’t generally have signs on outside on the land of the house, it’ll be just someone that will come up to us and say hey, this is for sale, that’s for sale because that friends and family will get a commission for introducing. 

We actually get a lot of people coming to saying we’ve got this property absolutely 99.9% of the time, we’re not interested but if it catches my eye then we’ll have a look. But it’s good to keep an eye on the prices as well. 

Sometimes when they come up to you they just think because you’re a Johnny foreigner, you’ve got cash and you know you’re always looking to buy more, more land and stuff, which is not true, well not in my case, but I’m happy with what I got. So if you do live in a community, you will find people come up to you but again don’t take anything at face value, check it all out, make sure you have the right title deeds, go to the land registry office and see who actually owns it because someone might actually be selling some land but they don’t actually own it. 

Make sure they’ve got the correct title deeds. Look up everything. And yeah, just don’t take anybody’s word for pretty much anything, just got to be on your guard. If it is too good to be true, it probably is. 


Title deeds for properties in Thailand.

Title deeds for properties in Thailand. 


The best title deeds you really want to look at are Chanote. Chanote title deeds are clearly marked out. They have a concrete post and they are GPS marked on the map, so it’s very definite border, a perimeter border of the property.

So that’s the title deeds you really want to be going for. Check where your land, local land registry, the government land registry department, go to their office with the Chanote paper, anybody selling you property should be able to produce a copy of the Chanote, which you can then take to your lawyer or take to the land registry office and check out and just make sure it’s up to date. They have list of all the people who actually owned that piece of land and the price it was sold for. And then you know, it’s kind of bona-fide land. So Chanote is the most sought-after title deed and you pretty much do what you want on that piece of land.

Nor Sor Sam Gor 

The next one down, if you look at layers, Chanote being the very top, the best one you want to go for. The next one is Nor Sor Sam Gor. That’s like a title three. And that’s almost as good as Chanote, but it’s not generally GPS mapped out, but it is defined clearly on a map from aerial views.

So again, you will have a Nor Sor Sam Gor document that lists everything, it’s exactly the same as Chanote, who’s held the land previously, and the prices it’s been sold for. And then it will be mapped out on the Nor Sor Sam Gor paper as well. So, you can check that out at the same local land registry office. The only thing is it doesn’t have, it’s not GPS mocked out so it’s not 100% defined but I’ve bought on Nor Sor Sam Gor before, it’s not a problem. It’s almost as good. Nor Sor Sam Gor and Chanote are the two land deeds that you can have. 

Nor Sor Sam

The third one Nor Sor Sam. Now this is measured relative to other pieces of land. So, again as we’re getting further and further down from the top, Chanote, the boundary lines can be a little bit blurry. At a pinch, you could buy that you may not have any problems, but maybe some contested boundaries, you know, a meter here, few feet over there. So, if it’s a large piece of land probably not much to worry about. If it’s a small piece of land and you know someone’s taken up a meter or two all the way down one side of your land and then a sizable percentage of your land. So, Nor Sor Sam, I would I tend to stay away from that myself being a cautious man but it’s totally up to you, it is doable but proceed with caution. 

The other land is kind of like arable land. Poor Thai land rights basically, it’s called Por Bor Tor or Sor Kor. Stay away from that. It’s very cheap. Mainly just, you know, farmers who grow rubber on it, things like that. When the land grab, whenever that was, years ago, a lot of farmers got a colossal amount of land. And so, there’s families here that have huge amounts of land, to farm rubber, things like that. So, they’re land rich, cash poor, but you can’t build anything on that. We see helicopters overhead every now and again and they are checking that there’s no building structures on this land.

There’s a lot of land in Thailand, it’s a big country, so they fly helicopters across just to see if there’s any buildings where they shouldn’t be, you know because they can’t see from the roads because of the trees and things like that. They are so far back from any road, and then you’ll see you know the army come shooting in with their Land Rovers or something to check it out. But yes, let’s stay away from that. You don’t need that. 

If you are buying a plot of land as a farmer, you can grow rice or rubber or something like that then you could buy some, but I believe that the government can take that anytime, give you kind of like a fair value for it. But if you do want an easy life and live in Thailand and soak up the sun and the Singha, then stay away from that, you know, it’s not worth it, I certainly don’t want to be building on it because you lose everything. 

Also land at any elevation shouldn’t be built on either. I think that’s owned by the crown. I’ve heard some stories that people actually started building on there and you know, they’ve allowed it to happen and when it’s finished, they come along and rip it all down. So, don’t touch any of that on any of these holiday islands or anything like that or anywhere, any building on an elevation, stay away from it, and you should stick with Chanote and Nor Sor Sam Gor and you will be fine. 

Land Measurements

The measurement of land in Thailand it’s very different from the UK and America. We don’t have acres over here or hectares or anything like that. It’s called a rai. A unit of land measurement is called a rai. So, one rai is 1600 square meters or 17,222 square feet. We measure everything in rai. I’ve got two rai here, I’ve got three rai at the farm, I’ve got friends who’ve got 600 rai, you know, and so everything is measured in rai. Just to give you a general idea, two and a bit rai. So, it’s a technical, two- and a-bit rai is about one acre. So about 2.4 rai is about one acre. About 1600 meters is one rai. So, we measure in rai. Who would have thought?

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Governmental Fees

A few other things to factor in when buying land in Thailand. 

Transfer fees

When you buy land off someone else, there’s a transfer fee involved. Obviously, government gonna take a little bit of a cut. So that’s generally 2%. And that can be negotiated between who’s paying whether it’s gonna be you, as the buyer, or the previous landowner, as a seller. You can negotiate, you can pay half and half, they can pay, you can pay, you sort it out amongst yourselves, but it’s going to be 2%. So quite often, we’ve kind of split it depending on the price of the land and things like that. But again, it’s something to bear in mind, it’s another 2% and you got to dig out and give to the government. For doing nothing really. 

Lease Registration Fee

If you get a lease, there’s a fee for registration of lease, and that is 1%. So, if you lease a piece of land for 30 years, you can expect to pay the government 1%. They get 1% for nothing. 

Funny thing is here is, not so funny, but everything’s on paper. You go to the land office, or any government institution, everything’s on paper, and you do multiple copies of the same documents. Nothing’s really computerized here. Which I find in this day and age, we’re approaching 2020, they haven’t got massive computer infrastructure for all these kinds of documentation. If there’s a big fire in your local office, at the Department of Land, then it’s lost. 

I find it crazy. But anyway, because the one we have, we get to Leam Ngop is a wooden building full of paper under the hot sun. So, you fill out a lot of paperwork for this kind of thing, there’s a lot of bureaucracy here, for all things, is tremendous. And, yeah, just be aware of that. So, 1% for lease, and 2% on the sale of the property either way, which you can maybe lose, maybe you have to pay half or pay all depending on your negotiation skills with the seller. 

Stamp Duty

There is a stamp duty and it is currently about half a percent, half of 1% on land sale and 0.1% on a lease. So that’s on top of the other 2% and 1% for the lease.

When You Come Around to Selling

Okay, so now we look at the at the back end. If you decide to sell at some point that’s going to cost you too. There’s a Withholding Tax and depending how many years you have been with that property or if you lived in it at all. 

It will be calculated on how much you pay for this withholding tax. That can range anywhere between five and 35%. So be aware of that. So always think about the back end when you’re buying, what you want to do in the future, because that’s going to cost you as well to get rid of the property. Also, currency controls. I know recently, a friend of mine sold a property, he’s probably owned it for four or five years, and they decided to move back to Australia. And they can’t get all their money out. They sold the house and they couldn’t get all their money out of the country in one go.

So, I think every three months, they’ve got to come back and get some money out. It’s very complicated. I haven’t actually sat down and spoke about it, but he just gave me the top line. So again, something else to look out for, at the back end. Getting your money out of dodge if you decide to go back home, or just sell a property or trying to take some money out of Thailand. So, again, something to be aware of that most people don’t think about when they invest in things. 

You think about the investment initially, but don’t think about the back end when you want to relieve yourself of those investments. So up to 35% withholding tax, then the currency controls within the country and the exchange rates. Taking the money back to your country is something worth considering and investing in a little bit more. Speak to your lawyer. Speak to the people who have been in the same position to get a clear understanding of where you are, when you do it or before you’re doing it because things change all the time in this kind of arena with the currency controls, etc. Worth checking out!

Due Diligence

Okay, like with any major purchase, you need to do your own due diligence. We’re all adults here so don’t take my word for what you can and can’t do. This video may be outdated at the time you’ve seen it. But do your own due diligence. Speak with the lawyers and don’t rush into anything at all. 

Things you can do to protect yourself; take the title deeds, make sure you’re dealing with the owner of those title deeds who’s selling, and take them to the local land office to quantify everything as it should be. Make sure there’s no legal dispute with the land. It’s not in some lease agreement or it’s not backed against a loan or anything like that. It’s worth doing that. 

I recently bought some land, it was part-owned by the bank because, they owed the bank a massive debt. And that’s the reason why they ended up selling the land, they needed to pay this debt off, and they didn’t have any cash, so they have to sell the land. So, I ended up buying part of it of the bank and part of it of these people, very small amount of the people and we came together again. 

Quite complicated because of the way it was but it was very lucrative for me. I got it very cheap, so good! Loads are things to look out for, there’s gambling debts and household debts. So, make sure your land is not collateral against future debts these people are selling. You don’t want anybody looking around and take it from you. 

Government Value of the Land 

When you actually go into the Land Office, they kind of know the price of land in your area. It’s quite tempting to negotiate with the seller and agree on one price and tell the land registry a very low price to avoid paying, you know higher taxes basically, that make sense. But just be aware that they are aware of the true value of the land in your area. 

Future Local Developments

I would also try to find out if anything else is going on in the area, like you would at home. Is a new road going to be built outside your front door? Is there actually planning permission for certain buildings? Is a theme park going to be built next door? Things like that.

See if you can find out what’s actually happening in the local area. Spend some time there. Anecdotal – just speak to local people, go to the local noodle shop, neighbors, find out what’s happening. Last thing you want to do is buy a house thinking you’re well set back off the road and then they widen the road tremendously and you lose what you thought was half your land because road widening or whatever it could be. It could be countless things.

So do your own due diligence there and check out anything ongoing in the area that could impede your property. It might be a good thing. You know, they might be an airport going to be built, not too close but close enough. Might be great for you know, to escape, but you don’t want planes going really low over your house. So just find out what could be going on in your local area. Check it out. 

Buying a Business in Thailand

If you’re buying… I’m speaking generally now because I was just speaking about residential properties, condos and land. But you may want to buy a bar or club, you know, some business. I don’t have any experience in that. The last thing I would do is own a business here in Thailand. That’s throught with problems. 

I see far too many people who spent a lot of time in bars, but never actually working in a bar or owning a bar. And then they come to Thailand and sink all their retirement into a bar and realize it’s not so much fun running a bar as it is drinking and talking to the barman or barmaid. So, if you’re going to do that kind of thing. Go into it with eyes wide open. Go work at a bar somewhere first. Do some business school, check it all out and don’t piss your money away basically on some foolish endeavor. Far too many bars here. 

I was on the islands for the weekend. There are just far too many bars and not enough people, it’s crazy, everybody wants to open a new bar. I do not know why. But anyway, some food for thought you know. The last thing you want if you got a property is a noisy bar opening up next to you or something, you don’t want that. So again, just do your own due diligence. 

If you are going to buy, you know, a business, bar, club whatever, take the accounts to an independent accountant, get them audited, find out if it makes money, or how much it loses. You know, again, do your due diligence. I’m kind of getting off the scope of buying land here, but buying a businesses and stuff, I don’t see the attraction myself! 

The weather in Thailand - sun and rain.

The Weather

One other thing about due diligence it would be weather. Does your property flood? Is it prone for fires or anything like that? In a dry season here it gets very dry. We’re in the greenest part of Trat. If you’re up in the north and Issan area it gets very, very dry. So is there a fire risk? On the other side, when you’re in the rainy season are you at risk from floods. Has the area flooded before? These are things you really should be checking out because the waterways aren’t maintained very well, and flooding can occur. And when the rain comes down, it comes down so hard, so much water, and it can rain for months. So check that out.

I’ve built on an elevated position and I raised up the house as well just to make sure, so it will have to rain pretty hard to raise the water level extremely high too to get my feet wet. But you know these are things you need to think about seriously.

Noisy Neighbours

Noisy Neighbours 

Another one is noisy neighbours. Visit the property several times different parts of the day. Drive up in the evening, early morning and middle of the day because you don’t know if some neighbors are very noisy. They’re may be used to having no neighbors. They shout, scream, dogs barking, loud music playing outside, all this can happen. 

I can hear music from like a mile away. It travels far here in rural Thailand. Obviously that doesn’t bother me it’s so far away and so low. But if I was up the road, near my neighbor, I wouldn’t be very happy about that. And so they’re kind of oblivious, don’t realized its impeeds on someone else, like back home, like people back home. I know we have noisy neighbors too. But yeah, so think about noisy neighbors, cars, motorbikes, all that kind of thing. You can have your dream property, but it could be really, really spoiled by constant noise and things like that. 

You know in rural Thailand, a lot of people are working on rubber farming, stuff like that. So, maybe they sleep during the day in the hot part of the day. Why would you work in the hottest part of the day? We’re now approaching the hottest part of the day, I’m under shade. It’s hot out here! I don’t go working out in the fields. 

So, farmers here will sleep in the day. They farm the rubber at night, you know 3, 4, 5 in the morning, that’s when they do it. So, they may come back. But before they go they may drink, you know, get a few friends around, party, whatever. If you’re not aware of the lifestyle that they live, and have always lived, and then you try to move into their community, they’re not going to change and you’re going to be so pissed off. If you like a property, seen a property, go back several days, different times, day and night and check it out. 

Check out local amenities before buying Thailand real estate.


Another thing to look out for is electricity. Living in rural Thailand the electricity goes down quite a lot. To say the least… and water. Let’s talk about electricity first and then water. 

Trees hitting the pylons and the cables all the time. If you’ve been in Thailand, any length of time you’ll see cables everywhere, from poles and things like that. They’re not generally underground. So the electricity will go down when the wind picks up, trees come down, and sometimes just for no reason. So you can look at that, and if you’re aware of that and you can live with it, fine. It sometimes goes off for a few minutes, few seconds, sometimes maybe four or five hours. 

Where we live, there’s a lot of shrimp farms. So they’ve all got their own generators. They just kick in keeping shrimp alive. They don’t survive very long without the aeration. You could get a generator, like a diesel generator, or you could go solar. 

Solar here is very expensive, and you can’t sell it back to the grid here. So it would take me 30, 40 years to pay off a decent solar system to run my house on. So it isn’t really worth it. Such a shame because there’s sun here all the time, but they want you to use electricity for their benefit, not for the benefit of the planet. So we don’t have solar. We have some solar lights things like that, but we don’t have a solid backup or anything like that because the cost is prohibitive for what it is. 

If anything, I will buy a generator for 15 to 20,000 Baht. I’m going to do that because sometimes electricity just goes off and I’m not too happy about it. But then it goes back on and then I forget about it. One day I will buy generator because it is annoying. The other thing to take into account is water. 

Do you have government water to your house, is that constant? At our farmhouse, the water pressure comes and goes. At our house here it’s not generally a problem, we generally have water and we have a well, it’s not a problem. 

The alternatives if you don’t have water is to store water and/or drill a well. You can have water aside, just in case the government can’t deliver their water, so you do have a backup. 

You can also buy water in a few gallon containers from many local shops, and it costs about 15 baht. And it’s all drinkable water. And so you have a couple of those on standby as well, for 30 baht, you can have that. Yeah, you will have a back-up. It’s good to be prepared because no one knows what’s going to happen. So these are the things to look out for when you’re buying land or property in Thailand for sure. Things you don’t tend to think about because we’re used to turning on the tap and have water, but over here it doesn’t always work as simply as that. 


What Visa Can I Stay on in Thailand?

Okay, so you’ve got some land, a condo or property in Thailand. What kind of visa do you need? 

Buying land doesn’t give you any more rights than anybody else here in Thailand. As a farrang I could fly into the country, they could give me notice that I can’t come in. Then I have a house and farm, you know, dog and things. I have a wife and I can’t come in the country if I didn’t have my visa. 

I can live here 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years, people have, and they still can’t get a long-term visa to stay here. Unlike the UK you can, you know, get a visa very easily. Long time stay you can’t do that. They’re protective of the country for the Thais, I understand that and I kind of like that to degree. But it is kind of bit daunting when you kind of invest in, you know quite a bit of money into land and property and business, relationships, things like that in your country of choice. 

So visas that you can get… You can go online and find out the current state of visas but a 30-day visa, which they generally give you, like a holiday visa, you can also extend that. 

I’m on a marriage visa, so I can stay for a year, but every 90 days, I have to report my address. Every 90 days, (I just did this on the Boxing Day this year). 

I go to the immigration office, and they stamp my visa for another 90 days. And so, I live here in increments of 90 days and people have been doing that for decades. And it looks like I will be on it too unless anything changes anytime soon, which I doubt if it will. 

If you buy a property here, you don’t have any other special rights. So if you bought a property and you’ve got it under a business. You can have a business visa. You may be working here for a company, have a work visa, you can stay here as long as you keep working with a company and on that visa. 

But I’m on a marriage visa so I don’t know what other visa’s there are, you can check that out. You can Google it, I actually put a link here to some more information about visas. But if you got a property here, you don’t really want to be on a tourist visa to stay a couple of months at a time. If you’re investing in a property, you probably will want to spend a lot longer here, so you probably want to be looking at a retirement visa which gives you a year. 

If you’re looking at a retirement visa, maybe you can stay here for a year, every 90 days you do have to report. But probably that’s the best way to do that. Any special requirements for visas, I’m not going to go into in this video. But I’ll put a link here for all the visa requirements. So you can look at that. 

If you buy land in Thailand, you don’t get any special rights to stay here either. So if you buy land, or condo or property, you don’t get any more rights than anybody else in this country on your 30 days tourist visa.

Shout Outs and Further Resources

This video is coming to a close and I just want to reference most of the information I got from this was written and compiled by my good friend, Magazine Dave who’s the editor at large for the Koh Chang Guide. I’ll put a link to this property guide here. It’s the most comprehensive guide I have seen about buying property and leasing property in Thailand. It’s full of great resources. 

He also runs a service where if you’re looking for property in Trat, mainly Koh Chang… he has properties listed on there too. So, if you’re looking to buy property in Koh Chang, Koh Mak, Koh Kood etc., and some other areas of Trat, then check out the Koh Chang Guide and their property guide and give Magazine Dave a shout. I’m sure he’ll be pleased to hear from you and let him know Perry from Thinglish Lifestyle sent you on your merry way and he’ll look out for you. He’s a good guy, He’s been in Thailand for like 300 years or something, 555 but really like 15 years and married and family. He’s a good guy. Check him out. 

He also has some luxury pool villas for rent. Great for a family and on Koh Chang.

With that being said, it’s end to this video. I’ve got some lunch to take care of. But we have also at the time of making this video some land for sale near Au Tan Khu Beach, the beach overlooks Koh Chang island. It’s a great location on a quite soi off the main road. It’s 2.6 ngan (Chanote) which is about a quarter of a rai. It’s a nice piece of land ready to build on. 

Buying Thailand Real Estate - Au Tan Khu, Trat.

This land is for sale and has been prepared to start building.

I’ve actually split it with the Land office into two plots. You can buy one plot, or the other plot or both plots together for a great discount. 

It’s in a great location next to the harbor, the beach, schools and temples, all that good stuff and more importantly is in a nice quite spot as well and close to Koh Chang. 

You can moor up a boat in the dry or wet harbor and you can take your private boat across to Koh Chang in 30 or 40 minutes. Or you can go around the corner to the ferry which is just down the road, 4 or five minutes away.  So it’s in a great location, the beach is superb, a beautiful horseshoe beach, there’s actually two there that are very-quite in the week and frequented by local Thais on a weekend. Check it out here. 

With that being said, that’s it for this video, I hope you got something out of it. If you are thinking of buying land or property in Thailand let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Like and subscribe and hit that notification bell to be notified of any future videos. Most of our videos are about living in Thailand, rural Thailand, working on the farm, growing cocoa, and various fruits and vegetables… and our dogs and crazy stuff like that. Cooking, the Thinglish Cooking Experience, all kinds of stuff like that. We have a lot going on here so check it all out. It’s on our YouTube channel and on our blog which is 

Sawasdii Khap! Thank you very much for watching and I’ll see you on the next one. Have a great day and a happy new year. 

Buying Thailand Real Estate [2020]

The post Buying Thailand Real Estate [2020] appeared first on Thinglish Lifestyle.

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