Monday, December 2, 2019

Swim for Your Life

There’s never been a good time to get fit than right now. Making a New Year resolution or putting it of until tomorrow is just another way to kick the can down the road. Tomorrow is always a day away!

This last year has been the first time since my late teens that I haven’t worked out on a regular basis.

Since we lost our dog, I haven’t taken a morning walk and miss both. I couldn’t motivate myself to get out either.

I still keep active and working at the farm most weekends keep me in some sort of shape, but it’s not been enough to stay in peak physical health.

Meanwhile Katae works out most days and is looking mighty fine.


So, last week while having dinner at Lamphula Riverside Resort, I decided to start swimming and paid in advance for the rest of the month. Made a decision, made a commitment and got back in the swim.

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Swim Fit

I’m now swimming alternate mornings with working out at home using my bars and body weight. I’m also in the home saunas 3 to five times a week.

The transformation in less than a couple of weeks is outstanding. I feel stronger, more alert and lots of those little aches and pains I used to get in my neck and shoulders have disappeared.

It just goes to show, what I knew all along, that you don’t have to do much, but you do have to do something. The first step is always the hardest but ultimately the rewards far outweigh the negative consequences of doing nothing at all. Just move!

Perry Selfie Before Swimming

Your Health is Your Wealth

Actually, swimming outside is a beautiful, natural way to start the day. A little sunshine therapy, fresh air and getting the blood pumping throughout your body really wakes you up.

In another life, I used to live and work in the heart of the chaos that is London. My days and hedonistic nights were fueled on adrenalin and alcohol. I loved it at the time, but I’m so happy to have left it all behind.

There’s no way you can live your life to the full when you’re restricted by excessive work commitments, rampant consumerism and conforming to societies ‘norms’. It’s not a society I wanted a part of.

As I didn’t fall into the debt trap, and I’m not a tree, I decided to move and carve out a new life on my own terms.

Should I go back to skipping breakfast, grabbing a coffee-to-go and enduring a commute to work to a job I hate or continue to enjoy an alfresco swim with nothing but the gentle sounds of nature?

Lamphulai Riverside Resort - Pool

By the way, I’m swimming at Lamphulai Riverside Resort and Spa’s pool. If you are interested in seeing another side of Thailand, away from the tourist hotspots and beaches, click here for more details about the resort and its facilities. We are not affiliated with the resort, but are happy to support this and other local businesses in Trat.

Swim for Your Life

The post Swim for Your Life appeared first on Thinglish Lifestyle.

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